Who is Carol Danvers - Ms Marvel / Captain Marvel

Who is Carol Danvers.
Carol as Captain Marvel

Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel is a hero in the Marvel universe.  A movie is planned to come out in the MCU staring Captain Marvel.

First Appearance:  Marvel Super Heroes #13 (1968)

As Ms Marvel:  Ms Marvel #1 (1977)

As Binary: Uncanny X-Men #164 (1982)

As Captain Marvel:  Amazing Spider-Man #9 (2012)

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Ms Marvel Pictures and COSPLAY
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Greg Horn cover of Ms Marvel
Carol Danvers is an Airforce officer when exposure from an accident with Mar Vell turns her into a super kree/human hybrid.  The accident gives Carol the same amazing powers as Mar Vell (The original Captain Marvel at least within Marvel). Carol uses her military skills and new super powers to become a super hero.
Over the years her character has come in and out of publication.  She has enjoyed increased popularity over the past decade being a critical character in some of Marvel's big events like Civil War and Secret Invasion.  She currently has taken on the mantle of Captain Marvel and has been making cameos in the current Guardians of the Galaxy series.

Super Hero Name:
Carol initially calls herself Ms Marvel but has changed her name a few times, she has been called Binary, Warbird and currently holds the mantle of Captain Marvel.

  • Carol is very powerful her powers include:
  • Super Strength, Durability, and speed
  • Impervious to poisons and toxins
  • Can fire energy blasts from hands
  • Can fly at 6 times the speed of sound
  • Has a sixth sense that gives her limited precognition
  • Can absorb and release energy (Though not magical energy)

Ms Marvel was the first female character at Marvel to be a gender bending clone of a male character.  There was a variety of criticism of the character for being nothing but a female version of Mar Vell.  These female versions of popular male characters had been popular with DC for a longtime.  Feminists critics have attacked the practice because the character created tends to be nothing but a copy of an already existing character and because the Male character was first they tend to take on a secondary position, side kick, subservient position to the male character.

Ms Marvel stories elicited even more controversy after she was the focus of a bizarre storyline involving an alien villain named Marcus.  In the story Ms Marvel is brain washed by Marcus and has his child, who then grows into an adult version of Marcus.   At Earth at the time Marcus tells the Avengers he is bringing Ms Marvel back into space.  Ms Marvel still brain washed agrees.  The Avengers though slightly shocked let the two go without a fight.  Critics of the story line  point out that by Marcus brainwashing Carol he robbed her of her will.  He was in effect raping her, and the Avengers basically condoned his actions.

Later writers have tried to address these complaints.  First the Marcus story was altered out of existence by famous X-Men writer Chris Claremont.  2nd Carol has grown in importance and now has taken over the name/mantle of her male counterpart and is now called Captain Marvel.  This would be the equivalent of Supergirl taking over the name Superman, or Batgirl taking over the main Batman name.

NOTE: It has been pointed out in the comments that this is a bit unfair to DC.  Captain is a gender neutral description, while  Batman uses the male description of man in the name.  It would thus sound off to call a female by the name Batman as opposed to Batwoman.  Either way it is still a big deal.

Carol Danvers has yet to appear in the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) however she is rumored to appear in Avengers Age of Ultron.  On October 28th, 2014, Marvel announced Carol Danvers will have her own movie under the moniker "Captain Marvel".  The movie will be released July 6, 2018.

There are no official casting decisions made as of yet.

More Ms Marvel COSPLAY, Art and Pictures
Carol Danvers Greg Horn covers!

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Who is Carol Danvers - Ms Marvel / Captain Marvel Who is Carol Danvers - Ms Marvel / Captain Marvel Reviewed by Unknown on 18:35 Rating: 5

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