Another landscape assignment! Dyrehaven

Another landscape assignment done! This time we had to go to Dyrehaven which is a park north of Copenhagen. I went there yesterday(sunday) morning, with a huge headache caused by the night before, due to too much achohol consumption.
Just as much as the the first assignment we got, I hated this just as much. Well hate is a strong word, what I mean is, I hate it when I have to do it;-)
It was so cold that my asian nuts was freezing so bad, that they went up north to hide from it!

We were asked to deliver 4 pictures, I chose pic 1, 2, 3 and nr 10.

The good thing about the assignment this time, was that we were allowed to have people in the pictures:-)

One of my favourite buds from school Nikolaj Thaning. Go visit his site

We made a quick stop by the small ammusement park Bakken, where I found this fella peaking for spring:-)

Another landscape assignment! Dyrehaven Another landscape assignment! Dyrehaven Reviewed by Unknown on 12:02 Rating: 5

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