Brooklyn, New York

3rd day in New York and today I worked in Brooklyn! I think I might have walked close to 20-30 km today and yeah I'm not bullshitting! My assignment here and in London was to shoot for this danish travel search engine They are making a new app for smartphones and Apple's Ipad, so they need fresh pics for their guide. There were six cities to choose from and lucky me I got London and New York! I have to visit around 175 places in each city and since you saw my pictures from London earlier last week, you know I'm done there.

I really miss my bike, it would do the job much easier since it is complicated to take the bus or subway, when I have to visit all these places. The job isn't that awesome, but I get to see the city in such a massive way, that I think when I'm done, I've proberly seen more of NYC than most New Yorkers have;-) The locations are typical tourist travel guide, shopping, sightseeing, restaurants, nightlife and etc. but you know what, I shouldn't complain, they pay me to travel and shoot pictures:-D

Good morning and good night Copenhagen/NYC!

Subway love

Bed and breakfast

Yoga in McCarren park

Agent B

Tic Tac Toe

Just like in the movies

Panic in Brooklyn


Gabby the crazy jamaican



Brooklyn, New York Brooklyn, New York Reviewed by Unknown on 00:02 Rating: 5

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