Help me donate 100.000 kr(13.000 euros) to Children's cancer association!

My number 2 photo out of 4, for the 100.000 Dkr(13.000 Euros) to donate is now up!

I need your like/tweet to win, so I can donate the prize to Children’s cancer! I’m currently in 2nd place.

Story by a mother of who I have been in contact with through mail.
On the 21st of November, a three-year-old girl died of cancer on Riget Hospital’s intensive care unit.
She also had leukaemia and before she even could start on chemotherapy, her organs started to fail one by one.
She suffered two cardiac arrests and was revived both times, but after her third one, she never woke up and died 11 days after in a respirator.
This photo is dedicated to all of those, who might have lost their children to cancer.

Our children should bury us, not us bury them.

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Photo taken with the Nokia Lumia 1020

Help me donate 100.000 kr(13.000 euros) to Children's cancer association! Help me donate 100.000 kr(13.000 euros) to Children's cancer association! Reviewed by Unknown on 04:14 Rating: 5

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