Top 9 Twerking videos of celebrities

Everybody from celebrities to 5 years old has officially taken the Twerk mania over trying to master the art of wiggling their butt as every star can through her way.

I put for you together the top ten celebrities videos while they are twerking  each on her own way featuring Rihanna , Beyoncé, Kate Upton, harry Styles, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus , Vanessa Hudgens, and finally Shakira.
Twerking just got serious, and you have had some serious competition, so let’s start:
1 –  Miley Cyrus: it is crowned newly the queen of twerking after this performance at the VMAs or in the video of her hit song , We Can’t Stop , where she appeared in Unicorn costume.

2 – Shakira: she already has offered professional moves through her famous song over a decade back Whenever, Whenever. and now she did again in Back it Up.

3 – Beyonce: she appeared at the stage brining the oomph with her some sophisticated twerking , and her husband Jay-Z looked from behind the DJ console proudly.

4 – Nicki Minaj : she twerking skillfully at the Billboard Awards making Mister Lil Wayne very happy.

5 – Kate Upton: Terry Richardson was given an NSFW performance by Kate , who the later directed Cyrus video for Wrecking Ball.

6 – Selena Gomez: she after watching Cyrus twerk performance, it must appraising her own moves. 

7 – Vanessa Hudgens: she offered Jay Leno and letting him know that she is not behind the game and she has her own moves.

8 – Rihanna: this video is captured to Rihanna by a close friend , and it showing her twerking and seems very focused .

9 – Ashley Tilsdale: this video is captured during a radio show , and she was twerking on her own way.

Top 9 Twerking videos of celebrities Top 9 Twerking videos of celebrities Reviewed by Unknown on 15:18 Rating: 5

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