STREETZ MADE US X DDS X Distortion 2015

 Since everyone else is going color I just go black and white.

Emil Boye

The other half of DDS, Damian

 Lord Siva and fan boys

 Danni Toma & Lord Siva

 Pretty Surush

 Youssef Ramy

 One half of Creol Brothers, Mads Emil

Big ups to Skepta for coming on stage.
A few hours before perfoming, he found out that one of his friends was stabbed to death in the streets of Tottenham in the early hours of friday. R.I.P Lukey.

 Soldier boy

Intensiv Mc


 Danni Toma



 Fabian Mazur

 Those are happy tears, one proud DDS mom!

 Emil Stabil

 Mr DDS himself Danijel Drux

 J-Mix & Cannibal records

Japanese kitchen Yatai for us!

 Patta crew!

 The Barber shop

 Danijel: Should I jump?... Me: Fuck yeah you should jump!

 DDS Soldiers

Thats all the Distortion you gonna see from me... Fuck I'm out, see you next year!
STREETZ MADE US X DDS X Distortion 2015 STREETZ MADE US X DDS X Distortion 2015 Reviewed by Unknown on 18:04 Rating: 5

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