Art by Aarohi...

Nazar Batto Box...
Today, I dropped by at Aarohi Singh's exhibition at Pageturners Bookstore and was completely engulfed into a world of vibrant colours and Indian Kitsch.

Here are few captures of her wonderful work.
Side View of the box...
Horn Ok Please Kettle...
Thayyam Box...
Nimboo Mirchi Series Paintings...
Gorgeous Thalis (psst...that lovely Goddess Saraswati thali will soon be mine;-)
The lovely lady with her stunning work:-)

Aarohi's exhibition is on till 28th November, 2010 at
Pageturners Bookstore,
89 Kannan Building, MG Road, Bangalore

So if you are in Bangalore, do drop by:-)
Art by Aarohi... Art by Aarohi... Reviewed by Unknown on 01:46 Rating: 5

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