The Misty Fjords of Passage Canal

A ship of stone sets sail in the misty fog of Passage Canal. The lush rainforest coastline of Prince William Sound is full of provocative scenery like that. A year or two ago Whittier started building a road out towards Shotgun Cove but they apparently stopped after about two miles. It offers great access to some of the coastline and forest but isn't currently drivable after a certain point due to some bridgeless stream crossings. I hadn't been past the streams but they looked crossable on foot from my memory so i decided to take Robert down there and see how far the road went.
It was one of those days when the weather is great in Turnagain Arm but on the other side of the tunnel Whittier was hidden in thick fog. This irritated me because Robert wasn't able to see anything. Still, the fog and light rain made the rainforest look particularly vibrant and mysterious.
At the end of the road there used to be a thrown together foot bridge but on the day we were there heavy rains had washed it out, which left me at a loss for how were were going to cross the stream. It was fast moving and at least knee deep. We followed it up to a high waterfall, looking for a way across, then down below the road past several other waterfalls, all in vain. Eventually we ended up on the beach, where, far below the high tide mark i finally deemed the stream shallow enough to attempt a crossing.
 Kelp and muscles
I was wrong in thinking that was a good place to cross. Although shallow, the water was still gushing with enough speed to work it's way up my legs as i trotted across, leaving me with wet bluejeans. I don't know why i decided to wear jeans that day; oh, yeah, it was because the weather was great on the other side of the tunnel.
Robert is deciding not to cross the stream that got me wet.

After seeing what happened to me Robert declined to cross the stream. I found a trail going up the other side, and back up at the road i noticed the stream had forked, so to get back i had to wade across two rushing streams, which left me completely soaked up to my waist. That eliminated any desire i had to take Robert into the Buckner Building, so we headed back into the tunnel.
Nice grass looking plants that grow in the tidal zone.
There was an area where dead trees were in the tidal zone, roots and all. I wonder if this area sunk during the '64 earthquake.
I dont' know what these vibrant weeds were either, but they can also live in salt water.
One of several waterfalls we passed on the way back up to the road.

The Misty Fjords of Passage Canal The Misty Fjords of Passage Canal Reviewed by Unknown on 15:12 Rating: 5

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