Roskilde Festival 2014

This is the 7th year in a row, that I attend Roskilde festival. The first year I didn't even own a camera. The 2nd year I brought my first DSLR camera and I ended up taking an award winning music photo, awarded by the Danish music magazine GAFFA. The year after that and the following 4 years, I took concert pictures for a Danish Hip Hop portal called Rapspot. Since last year's Roskilde, I had been playing with the thought about just relaxing and have fun with my boys without having to think about work, running between the music stages, deadlines and etc. It was a hard choice to make, but I got myself together and I said no to photo work this year. Though I did bring my camera, but promised myself that I would keep it at a minimum use. A few flicks came out of it, enjoy.

Roskilde Festival 2014 Roskilde Festival 2014 Reviewed by Unknown on 15:45 Rating: 5

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