10 days in NYC

So here I am again, NYC, NYC how I love you. I needed a break from all the work and so did my two brothers, @Tluv84 & @Jenswiinblad!

10 days of photo marathon and food porn. Just how I like my vacation!

The first thing we did after checking into our Airbnb apartment, we walked down to Prince street to get some of that famous pizza slice from Prince st Pizza! A legendary place that is worth dropping by if you are downtown SoHo!

 @Jenswiinblad chillin while we wait for Thanh finish feeding his shopping addiction.


 Help each other, be nice to each other!


People in NYC takes naps everywhere, the streets, the parks, in their cars and subways. Even we got so comfortable, that we sometimes took a powernap while riding the in the subway.

Sweet Chicken
First breakfast/lunch place we hit, also became my favorite place.

@Tluv84 & @Jenswiinblad

The three waffles and fried chicken with three different flavored butter seemed to be a bit to early to order, but I couldn't help myself!

 (1). Business man finishing lunch                                                                                                           

I really love dogs, especially these fart machines!

@Tluv84 spending some more greens on some shades!

 (2). Williamsburg Bridge


(4).  Remember to look up!

 Or down

 But mostly up.

(5). Freedom tower.
I didn't see the plane before uploading the photo to photoshop.

 (6). Meatpacking District

 (7). Brooklyn Bridge view from Manhattan Bridge. Woke up at 5am for this shot.

(8). Mandatory shot of the photogenic Manhattan Bridge with Empire State building in between. Touched by the morning sun.

Fulton st.


Brooklyn bridge
 (10). Under construction



 A small break.


 I just love the NYC subway

The Public library's main hall is closed from 6 month to a year due to renovations, so this is the best shot I got from there.


Yeah I'm standing in the middle of the street for you to walk right into my shot!

 (13). Classic midtown scenery.

New York Yankees vs Toronto Blue Jays!
Farewell captain Derek Jeter!

Coney Island was'nt that awesome, but glad I got to see it.

Old man outside the World Trad center Memorial.

Katz's Deli on E. Houston Street

Katz's 18.95 $ Pastrami sandwich must be the best sandwich I ever tasted!

Do not come at noon in the weekends, unless you don't mind standing in line that goes all the way from inside the deli to outside and down the street.

World Trade underground transfer hall

It took me 2 visits to figure out I had to come on a weekend, to be able to take a shot of this hall with no people in it. Though I ended up using the photo with these two guys. Their job was to sweep the hall all day long and while I waited, we talked a bit about Denmark. They knew we had a great economy, beautiful ladies and that we had a'lot of atheist. Can't say they were wrong about anything.

Met this guy in the subway. His sign says it all!

(14). Two giants. Pharrell & Empire State Building

China Town


 Going up

 One and only rooftop sightseeing I did.

 My bro, Mr Fashion addict @Tluv84

The Staten Island Ferry view over Manhattan

 I believe

Met this New Yorker who took some time out of his schedule to take a walk. Thx @Venti.dos

Took a photo of this guy 6 years ago when I first travelled to NYC. Back then in 2008 he was hanging in Harlem. Good to see he is still around.

This time I caught him in Midtown Manhattan.

 (Harlem 2008).
UPDATE: Found out this guys name is Louis Mendes!


Baxter Street, China Town 
Both had my two favourite place to feed my stomach!

Breakroom with the insane juicy burgers and onion rings and my vietnamese place that I have visited every year since the first time I was in NYC, Phó - Nha Trang! Both places with low prices, but good portions!

Vietnamese cuisine!

Goodbye NYC, you were great!


If you like what you saw here on my blog, then go to my Instagram profile for more pictures of NYC, Copenhagen and much more. @Kennethnguyen

POSTERS for sale
Selected photos are now up for sale in size A2 regular poster size, only few prints available of each photos.

How to?

Email me knbronx@hotmail.com with subject titled: NYC poster 2014
You can see which photo are up for sale by looking after the number down in the left corner of the selected photos.

Price 1.500 kr = 300 $
Poster size, A2
I'll ship worldwide.

You are more than welcome to ask, if you have any questions.

10 days in NYC 10 days in NYC Reviewed by Unknown on 08:56 Rating: 5

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