Turnagain Arm in November

In winter i don't really go on big hikes or do ski trips or ice climbing. I concentrate on working, keeping busy, and looking into future travels. This winter has been especially mild and i found myself spending a lot more time outside than usual. I still wasn't going far, but the weather was pleasant for November and kept finding things to do up and down Turnagain Arm. So this is a collection of some of the interesting days during that month.
In November the sun is low and the weather stormy. It's a moody time.
I'm pretty ashamed to not have any good aurora photos. I just have a very difficult time staying up late enough to go out and do it, and when i have it hasn't paid off. This was one partly cloudy night in Anchorage.
Two faces almost become one.
On an extremely windy day in Turnagain Arm these sheep had found a wind shadow to relax in.
The moody weather of November was a precursor to some incredible sunsets in December and January.
One day it was 40 degrees and snowing, so i thought it would be nice to take Kona for a walk to Winner Creek in Girdwood. With no snow cover on the ground the rainforest looked almost as green an lush as it does in the summertime. The snow made a dusting on the ground where ever the forest canopy left a gap.
There is a new Nordic ski trail system they have cut into the forest. It's new enough that some of the maps weren't installed on the boards and we wandered around, getting a little bit lost in the maze.
One of the least helpful signs i have ever seen.
 I guess the one story i have from November was that i fell into Winner Creek. I fell entirely into the creek, slipping on a rock as i was turning around, and landed on my side in the water. The only part of me that didn't get wet was my left arm and left side of my head. I was wearing thick Carhart with flannel linings and a down coat, all soaked. Kona freaked out when i fell in. She thought i was a gonner.

Fortunately i had taken off my pack before screwing around with the stream and i had a heavier coat in there. The unfortunate thing was that i had only stopped at Winner Creek as a break on a much longer planned walk. In he commotion of ripping off my jacket and shirt to put on that warmer coat i left my shirt on the pebbles and did not notice until i was back home. The one thing i can say is that the water of Winner Creek is pure and delicious as it pours down your throat.
It was a long two mile walk back to the car wearing squishy boots and cardboard pants.
Low light and low tide
A sunbeam on Bird Point

Turnagain Arm in November Turnagain Arm in November Reviewed by Unknown on 08:54 Rating: 5

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