Winter Solstice 2015

I've been travelling a lot on business this year and lately i've lost interest in taking pictures. Maybe i just haven't been anywhere inspiring, or too busy to be somewhere at the right time. Then a month ago i suffered a concussion falling on some hidden ice, and i wasn't able to get around much or concentrate for several weeks. Winter Solstice though, is a special occasion. I consider it the legitimate end of the year, i can't figure out why our calendar doesn't work that way, whatever the reason, we should have changed it by now.
Kona was super excited to go for a second walk for the day.

This solstice started out dark and foggy but around 2:00 pm i decided i should probably try and find somewhere to go and catch a glimpse of the earliest sunset. It had been so long since i took any pictures that the batteries were completely run out of both my cameras, so, charging just one of them for 30 minutes made me short on time. I thought i'd climb up somewhere along the mouth of Turnagain Arm but without any more time i headed up to Glen Alps.

Kona catches the last rays of the sun.
It turned out to be a pretty darn nice sunset for solstice. We drove up through patchy fog and found the view to be mostly clear, with two more layers of clouds over our heads to add some color to the sky. I'd been gone for a week and noticed it had been very windy up along the front range in my absence. But it was a relatively warm 21F and not windy, so i can't complain.
In between cloud layers at the end of the shortest day.
As we walked back and the lights around Anchorage began to turn on in the twilight i noticed a steam plume coming out the crater on Mt. Spur, one of the mountains i've been staring at for over 14 years and been unable to reach because the only way to get there is by bush plane.  This year i've been considering moving away from Alaska after spending so much time up here. The problem is you can't really beat views like these and you certainly can't beat the easy access to true wilderness. It simply doesn't exist in the lower 48.
The beginning of the longest night.

Winter Solstice 2015 Winter Solstice 2015 Reviewed by Unknown on 11:22 Rating: 5

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