Who is Thor?

Cover by Mike Mayhew
The Mighty Thor!

Thor is Marvel hero pulled out of Norse Mythology.  The Marvel Thor is very similar to his folklore countpart but in Marvel he interacts with super heroes.  Thor also brings parts of his mythology to the Marvel Universe such as his home Asgard, father Odin, and villainous brother Loki.  While in folklore terms Thor is considered a god, in Marvel he tends to be depicted more as an inter-dimensional alien with great powers.

Species: Asgardian

First Appearance:
Thor is one of initial members of the Avengers.  Thor first appeared in Marvel comics in "Journey into Mystery" #83 in 1962.   Stan Lee claimed he was added to the Marvel Universe so that the Hulk could have a powerful adversary.

Thor News:

Thor Multimedia: Pictures, Videos, Videogames, Cosplay

Thor Comic News:



Thor is a member of the near immortal Asgard race deemed gods in Norse Mythology.  His Father is Odin, primary god and leader of the Norse Pantheon, his mother Gaea goddess of the Earth.  The Gaea relationship is unique to the comic Thor and explains some of his affinity for Midgard / Earth.  He grows up with close companions Sif and Balder.  He later forms a romantic relationship with Sif.

Thor is nearly immortal, he has lived for a long time and had countless adventures prior to his modern Marvel adventures.  He comes to Earth as a punishment for his arrogance.  Odin casts Thor down to Earth due to his arrogant and insolent behavior to live as an ordinary man.

Thor lives for a period of time as Donald Blake a doctor.  Donald Blake is a partially disabled medical student.  Due to the spell/enchantment used on Thor he does not remember being Thor. When he becomes a doctor he takes a trip to Norway where he witnesses an alien invasion scout party.  Running into a cave he finds Thor's hammer that is disguised as a walking stick.  When the walking stick is struck against a rock and he turns into the Mighty Thor.  He crushes the aliens to smithereens.

Thor lives a double life in the early stories sharing one body with Donald Blake.  He helps the sick as a doctor while being Donald Blake.  Working as he doctor he works alongside his future love interest the nurse Jane Foster.  Eventually, Thor learns the truth of how he was cast down from Asgard.  Seeing that Thor has learned humility Odin summons his son back.  However, Thor refuses.  He has fallen in love with both Jane Foster and Earth and has decided to stay.

Later, Thor's memory of Foster are erased and rejoins a former relationship with the warrior goddess, Sif.

Thor's adopted brother, Loki is a constant nemesis and sometimes ally.  Loki is responsible for the creation of an array of super villains that go on to battle Thor and the Avengers.  Loki is also behind a scheme to use the Hulk as a weapon that bring together the super group the Avengers.  Thor is a founding member of the Avengers.  He has since been part in one way or another every major Avengers series.  He is considered to be one of the heavy weight Avengers from a powers perspective.

Thor first battles then befriends an alien with similar powers named Beta Ray Bill.  The two become close friends and have many adventures with each other.

Thor goes on to fight epic battles against the powerful creatures of the nine realms. Avenger villains, as well as massive cosmic villains.

Notable Friends and Allies:

Notable Villains:

Thor is very powerful, and has knocked out and beaten powerful opponents such as the Silver Surfer and the Gladiator.  Generally, battles with the Hulk and Thor end in a standstill.   At times he has been shown to have the use of the full powers of Odin (Called the Odin Force) making him literally god like.

Strength - Thor is considered the strongest of all the Asgardians.  The average Asgardian is said to be able to lift up to 30 tons.    Thor's limit of strength is not clear but it is clearly far above 30 tons.  His feats of strength are insane.  Thor's full strength punch is capable of shattering and destroying a planet. He has also lifted Asgard with ease with the help from Beta Ray Bill.   He can also enter a berserker rage like state called berserkergang or Warrior Madness where his strength goes up by a magnitude of 10 times but in this state he crazy and will attack anyone who get in his way. 
On top of this Thor wears a belt of strength that magically doubles his strength and endurance. 

Super Endurance- Can fight for months without feeling fatigue

Nearly Invulnerable, very durable

Immortality - Thor derives extended lifespan from consuming the apples from the goddess Idun.  He has already lived a millennia.  Time moves differently for Asgardians than it does humans and in some ways he is much younger than his age would indicate.  It is difficult to translate Thor's life into human years because the Asgardian experience is so different.   While Thor has gathered up immense amount knowledge over his millennia he often acts like a rash teenager.  He can simultaneously act heroic and self sacrificing, while being bull headed and arrogant.

Super regeneration - Can even regenerate limbs and organs

Immune to diseases and to some magic

As the Norse god of weather he can control natural weather, lighting and storms.  He can also at times control the Earth creating canyons and Earth quakes through the powers of his mother Gaea.

Force Projections - Thor has been shown to need his hammer to project these forces:
Godblast - Emits an ultra powerful blast that uses some of Thor's Life Force.
Thermoblast- Heat blast
Anti Force Blast - Counter acts an imposing force

Flight - Can fly using his hammer, and even travel at faster than light speeds in space.

Dimensional travel

Martial Skills and Intelligence - Thor can be brash but he does possess many, many, many years of battle experience.



Thor was introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the movie "Thor."  Thor is played by actor Chris Hemsworth.  In addition to the movie "Thor", Thor has appeared/stared in the movies Thor 2 The Dark World, and the Avengers.
He is slated to appear in the upcoming films Thor 3, Avengers 2, and potentially the Avengers: Infinity War films. 

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Who is Thor? Who is Thor? Reviewed by Unknown on 22:56 Rating: 5

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