Of farewells and welcomes...

On my walk today I could smell the freshly mowed lawn that is so typical summer and at the same time I saw the tips of the sumac and sugar maple starting to blush a deep shade of red.

A season in transition. 
As I leave behind memories of a beautiful summer and walk into one of my favourite seasons filled with crimson hues, warm spices, cozy blankets, sweaters & leaves...
I wanted to thank Mother Earth for the bountiful produce, stunning flowers and all the musical chirping of the birds that came to visit our backyard. 
So I made a Mandala with whatever remains in my garden.

Cooler mornings with the hummingbirds returning south and the call of blue jays getting louder, I can feel fall in the air.

I made a delicate twine garland to welcome the season. Whimsical arrangement and styling is fun. 

I draw great inspiration from nature. She never disappoints.

Nature-inspired seasonal garland to adorn entrances, windows and fireplaces.

 I had few dried roses and hydrangea that I added to the garland.

A warm hued colour palette. Deep browns of pinecones, dried natures treasures, brass bells and a twine.

Hydrangeas dry beautifully on the bush, I brought few big ones inside.

Just grateful to be surrounded by such beauty of nature.
Have a great day and enjoy the season in transition!

(Images by Arch and are copyrighted)
Of farewells and welcomes... Of farewells and welcomes... Reviewed by Unknown on 10:45 Rating: 5

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