Shaka Loveless

I've known Shaka since he was the lead-singer in the group Gypsies. I remember shooting their concerts in different venues in Copenhagen and what I always enjoyed about their concert was their great energy and on how they connected with their fans!

Since Gypsies and We are brothers, Shaka is now a solo artist and currently working on another solo album.

I got to shoot his press pictures and it was great to work with him again.

Gypsies - Part Of Me

Are We Brothers - Come around

Shaka Loveless - Tomgang

Thx to
Assistant: Malthe Konradsen

And a special thx to
Tom Cludt from Sankt Petri
For hooking us up with a suite in such a short notice!

Shaka Loveless Shaka Loveless Reviewed by Unknown on 03:14 Rating: 5

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