( Spoilers) GIFS of Crossbones vs Captain America in Cap 3 Civil War


Crossbones and Captain America have battled eachother numerous times in Comicbooks and now in Captain America Civil War we will get to see the two throw down.

I have hunted around for GIFS from the set of the battle.  If you do not want to see it don't watch or scroll down.

Potential Spoilers of the Fight below:

Warning 2 Spoilers! Below

Who is Crossbones?
From the Vault: Captain America #359 first appearance of Crossbones 
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Who is Crossbones?
From the Vault: Captain America #359 first appearance of Crossbones 
 Who is Captain America?
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Hydralab Cool Pix: Crossbones!  
Marvel Villains Week!
( Spoilers) GIFS of Crossbones vs Captain America in Cap 3 Civil War ( Spoilers)  GIFS of Crossbones vs Captain America in Cap 3 Civil War Reviewed by Unknown on 21:55 Rating: 5

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