A son says his last goodbye to his father.

JV is one of my very Good friends... I consider him as my family, as my brother even!

His father just passed away this sunday morning after a very short time of his fight against lung cancer. The first time I heard about JV's fathers illness was already in December(2012). The first thing I heard was that he was having difficulties with his lungs and then some time after, JV told me that his father had developed cancer and from there on everything just happened very quickly.

I usually always have something to say about everything, but when it comes to death, I never knew what to say, especially when it comes to people that I love.

To my regret, I've never really had the chance to meet his father in person. All I've heard about him before his illness, was that he was the nicest guy in the world. A man who was in peace with himself, had a lovely family and a son to be proud of. All the qualities, that could be seen through JV as a person. So in so many ways his personality is reflected in the man JV is today and that's exactly who JV is - the nicest and most polite guy in the world!

So for me to ask JV if I could bring my camera to his fathers funeral,was very nerve wrecking.
I’ve never done anything like this before, not even during my own family tragedies. I've made sure that JV knew, that if he even slightly felt uncomfortable about it, he should let me know!

But JV's response was; “Of course, I really want to tell people how fucked cancer is and that it is the worst shit I've ever experienced! It's important to me, that we all don't forget to show how much we love each other and that we remember to take care of ourselves!”


Manolito "Oggie" Cagara Cantor - 50 years old 


My brothers and I... Without you I'm nothing!

A son says his last goodbye to his father. A son says his last goodbye to his father. Reviewed by Unknown on 06:07 Rating: 5

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