Sukker Lyn, booklet material

Last week I shot danish rapper Sukker Lyns soon to be released album booklet "Syv.To" and single "Holdt lidt igen". My graphic designer and I was suppose to have a 2 weeks deadline, but all the sudden Sukker called me up and said that the whole thing had been pushed forward. So the deadline went from 2 weeks to 3 days, so yeah we had 3 days to make it happen from that phone call:-)

The look on the booklet is different from the pictures here, so you just have to wait and see, Sukker had some crazy ideas:-D

Btw, that isn't cigaret smoke, but one of those nicotine inhaler machines with strawberry flavour, that everybody been smoking on these days!

His hit single "Jagter Ik Penge"
Sukker Lyn, booklet material Sukker Lyn, booklet material Reviewed by Unknown on 04:25 Rating: 5

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