Wrench Monkees, Copenhagen!

It's kinda been a dream for some years now to get a bike with some power a so called "Cafe Racers"! So I've been saving money for awhile. Just some small steps, but I'm getting closer to my dream every month.

Wrench Monkees are known world-wide for their unique style and custom made bikes. They are truely raised with motor oil in their vains and as they put it them selves; "Our company today is a result of passion, not a bussiness plan", and that is something you feel the exact moment you step into the shop!

Yesterday Nikolaj Thaning and I dropped by the shop, to do a short doc on craftsmanship for a school assignment. The guys there were super friendly and told us to feel like home and so we did. I wasn't suppose to do any still, but as ussually I can't help myself:-)

I talked with one of the owners Nicholas, to come by soon and do a little thing with their very cool and stylish clothing brand Wrench Monkees. Nothing official, just for the Euroman Blog:-)

Visit there site right here Wrench Monkees




I will post our short doc as soon as we are done, but it's all in danish... sorry;-)
Wrench Monkees, Copenhagen! Wrench Monkees, Copenhagen! Reviewed by Unknown on 00:41 Rating: 5

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