Distortion 2013 in black and white!

I've participated in Distortion the last 4-5 years and every year it's been crazy. I've always had my camera with me and ever since that first real Distortion it's been my ture companion, all the way. But somehow this year, I didn't feel like shooting pics as much as before. You see people taking pictures everywhere you go, either with a SLR camera or with smart phones etc. So for once I felt I could leave it in my backpack and just go and en enjoy what I wanted to see and hang out with my friends.
I did shoot a little and this time I chose to edit them in black in white, just to do something different from my previous Distortion party pics!

Thx for now Distortion, you almost killed me;-)

One of my blogger colleagues, Kristoffer Dahy Ernst, wrote a really good article about Distortion, so if you are danish, you definately must check that out :-)

My buddies from Retelly did some very cool video reporting from Distortion.
I have a few words to say in the first episode and with a full Asian flush... 

Distortion 2013 in black and white! Distortion 2013 in black and white! Reviewed by Unknown on 12:01 Rating: 5

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