Toylab Film Friday!

Toylab Film Friday!

The last Friday of each month Toylab is going to have a special day called!

FILM FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

Save the date the first film Friday is coming 1/29/2016!!!!!!!!!!!

We will awe at the hottest new trailers, review the newest new films, share the hot picks from Netflix and from theater.   Expect to see sneaky pictures from upcoming films as well as some no nonsense reviews from our resident film critic Sir Kent.

We post links to posts from Film Friday here.

Share Film Friday on your friends!
Use the hashtag!  #toylabfilmfriday and #SirKentSaid on Twitter and Google+

Depending on interest we may even set up a hang out on Google+.

Stay tuned these are fun and exciting times!

More Toylab Movie coverage

More Sir Kent Said!

Toylab Film Friday! Toylab Film Friday! Reviewed by Unknown on 12:00 Rating: 5

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