Deadpool Movie Headquarters- News, Pictures, Casts, Rumors and Characters

Deadpool HQ
Welcome to Deadpool's Movie Headquarters / apartment please look out for explosive devices, some rolled off a bag of cheetos earlier today and we haven't been able to find it.  Also no eating the food or touching the sword.  Are we good?  Good!

The Deadpool movie is set to be release by Fox in 2016.

Deadpool will be played by Ryan Reynolds.

Red Hot News!!!!
Deadpool Review - By Sir Kent Said
Deadpool first trailer NOW OUT OFFICIALLY





Angel Dust 



Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Pictures from Deadpool movie production



San Diego Comic Con 2015 Panels and Announcements:

Ryan Reynolds is headed to San Diego Comic Con 2015 expect some new footage, pictures and announcements.

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Deadpool and Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Deadpool Movie Headquarters- News, Pictures, Casts, Rumors and Characters Deadpool Movie Headquarters- News, Pictures, Casts, Rumors and Characters Reviewed by Unknown on 19:14 Rating: 5

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