Toylab Cool Pix: Venom fighting Spider-Man

Toylab Cool Pix:  Venom fighting Spider-Man

Venom began battling Spider-Man in the 80s after Spider-Man cast off the suit.  However, Venom really became the main of Spider-Man in the 90s.  Later in the 90's Venom's suit even gave birth to a new symbiote suit that would be worn by the even worse Carnage.  After Carnage is introduced Venom as a character seems to lose steam and becomes almost more of a good guy.

Sometimes I dislike the villains that are basically the main character with bad values.  However, I have always like Venom.  Venom to me is a little deeper and more complex.  First, he is not entirely evil he just has a Punisher like attitude and also a deep hatred of Spider-Man.

While his powers are similar to Spider-Man's they are also more powerful.  This is also shown in how he is generally depicted as being a huge hulking and more monstrous appearing Spider-Man.

Their greatest battle?
The ultimate battle between Venom and Spider-Man in my mind occures in the events of Amazing Spider-Man 346 and 347.  Venom has trapped Spider-Man on a desert island and is all but certain to kill the hero.  Spider-Man only escapes by faking his own death.

Want More?
More Venom!!!!!

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Spider-Man Fan Land! All Spidey News All the Time! 

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Toylab Cool Pix: Venom fighting Spider-Man Toylab Cool Pix:  Venom fighting Spider-Man Reviewed by Unknown on 18:42 Rating: 5

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