5 Best Twerking Videos on YouTube

Many people through YouTube have done the annals of embarrassing things to destroy their reputations, so you can officially add Twerking to the list or make like Twerking page on Facebook.

A lot of you do not know what does mean Twerking … it is a modern dance in which a person has to shake his hips and bottom in a bouncy up and down motion, leading it to shake wobble and jiggle.
Twerking appeared in modest way and now YouTube has exploded with twerking videos over the past year, so we list 5 of the best twerking videos to help you sort through this clutter.
1 – the first video is to a woman called Caramel Kitten and she was like at the local Wal-Mart, she likes to twerk at every sections separately .. for example food section … twerking moves differ from another section , and she promises us that she will continue her career to cover all the local places in the area .. like the Library.. mailbox … train station…   etc.
Let’s enjoy with her show

2 – Lady – Twerk

I took this gem from actually Lady’s 2011 album Bitch Around The Way II , so you deserve to know when this ass vibrates and shake.

3 – Katrina and Alexis twerking to B-Skully – Jigga

This video is a wonderful tutorial for those wanting to get deep in dirty into the culture of twerking , and those ladies moving and I actually did not realize were humanly possible until today. And I am sure that both Katrina and Alexis clearly have spending their time learning twerking trade tricks …. Good job.

4 – How to twerk with Boogie

If you want to learn twerking in the classic style you should watch Tweet Boogie videos … God bless her …she is doing the lord’s work. 

5 – Miley Cyrus Wop Facebook videos twerking 

Miley Cyrus has exploded the stage at the MTV awards 2013 where she twerked fascinating her fans and lovers with this best present ever.

5 Best Twerking Videos on YouTube 5 Best Twerking Videos on YouTube Reviewed by Unknown on 10:52 Rating: 5

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