Watch I’m A Freak for Enrique Iglesias with lots of twerking and naked bums

The new amazing video has girl-on-girl twerking, a huge half-naked man and whole lots of nakedness in a swimming pool, and finally it featuring Pitbull.

It seems that Enrique with his new video has blown up the previous one to Robin Thicke Blurred Lines out the water and wants to snatch the top of the ranking by this new video which featuring Pitbull.
So in this video the Spanish hitmaker and his rapping companion appear and are surrounded by so many half-naked beautiful women, and it looks as a kind of a haze.
The video starts in the crazy house party where Enrique sat down stroking a beautiful woman’s naked bum, and then he leaning on her a bit like a table at one point through clip flashes on and off throughout the video.

Then he stands up and a lot of wiggling bums surrounding around him with some stunning girls who are twerking against him so much , it was as Miley Cyrus look like an amateur.
Pitbull and Enrique are seen dancing in front of a huge swimming pool at several points, there is a bikini-clad girl to clean a window using her bum.
In this video you move from one extreme to the other.
There is a huge man in tiny trunks jumping into the swimming pool; the house party would not be good without a lot of ice cream.
Naturally some very sexy female bodies are licked by ice cream as well some other sexy girls.
Finally we will see a woman playing the drums in her underwear.

This amazing video has stacked up more than 3 million hits on the sharing site, especially with lyrics like I love the way she gets so physical, and Lights on ready for some action baby come and give it to me. 

So watch it and do not forget to give us your impression?
Watch I’m A Freak for Enrique Iglesias with lots of twerking and naked bums Watch I’m A Freak for Enrique Iglesias with lots of twerking and naked bums Reviewed by Unknown on 05:12 Rating: 5

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