Video of Professional Dancers performing Twerking

Either you like it or not, Twerking is a modern and beautiful way of dance, many people can’t wait to see synchronized Twerking in the Olympics, it becomes recognized dance style although a lot of old mind people dislike it and consider it as a decline of morality, and prevent their teenagers children from following their celebrities like Miley Cyrus at the MTV Awards.
It should be more popular between celebrities , not for advertising their works but because as I see it is a new style in our life and something beautiful and the evidence to my speech is by looking for Twerking on YouTube you will find tens of thousands videos by normal people who competing to show their twerking between people .
We are in the age of technology (mobiles – luxury cars –luxury life –etc.) we need something which is away from rotten and I think that we find it in twerking.
And here in this video we can enjoy and see that’s right, Booty popping, Shaking and bouncing… finding its way into the career of professional dancers.
So we consider any dancer who seeking to get money through her craft is a professional one fairly.
Twerking is not an easy and in the same time is not hard... all you need is good size bum and  practice a bit through watching twerking videos for professionals like this video down  in addition to listing to twerking songs in order to feel the case .
Here in this video you will see a twerking band , they twerking in amazing way like creating new ways and moves of twerking although their bum are normal and I think that twerking needs big size of bums in order to be great.
Let’s watch the video and do not forget to give us your opinion, isn’t great twerking?

Video of Professional Dancers performing Twerking Video of Professional Dancers performing Twerking Reviewed by Unknown on 03:18 Rating: 5

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